October 7, 2024

The Right To My Wrong

Author: Nicki Grace
Amazon Rating: 4.5
Genre: Romance
Price: $5.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/7)

She doesn’t have to like him… to want him.

What do you do if you find yourself standing in the bathroom, holding a positive pregnancy test? If you’re Jessica Hensley, you take four more and schedule a blood test to follow because your life has officially gone off-script.

What more could go wrong? Unfortunately for her, a lot.

If her newfound predicament, anxiety issues, dead vibrator, and infuriating mother weren’t enough, she’s now falling for the brazen, desirable and stubborn Dominique Stone. A guy that she can’t stand, but her body craves and is more than ready to surrender to.

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