October 7, 2024

The Mummy’s Vengeance

Author: David Gordon
Amazon Rating: 4.3
Genre: Mystery
Price:   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/7)

Los Angeles, 1928. It has been a year since Victoria Tori Jacobsen became a Vampire and agreed to live under the guidance of Werewolf Abraham Mueller.

After months of training to control her vampiric urges, Tori asks Mueller if she can accompany him to the opening of the new mummy exhibit at the Natural History Museum

But what was meant to be a run-of-the-mill visit soon turns into a heart-pounding race against time when they stumble on a murder in progress. Because this isn’t just any murder – it involves an ancient artifact and the supernatural power it carries with it.

The duo, with the help of some formidable allies, must sprint to catch the cunning murderer before they can activate the catastrophic powers of the Eye of Aten, and release the curse of the Mummy’s Vengeance upon the globe
If they fail, the forces of evil will bring on a new Dark Age.

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