October 6, 2024

The Little Tea Room on River Road

Author: Susan Lute
Amazon Rating: 4.3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Price: $4.99   FREE (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/6)
Award-Winning Author

What happens when love doesn’t go according to plan?

Sage Dawson loves her job as a cruise director or did. When her current guy (Shipmate, Gordan Simen) turns out to have feet of clay, a broken heart takes her back to Wally Creek and the comfort of her grandparents’ loving support. What she gets instead is the house she grew up in as they take off for a new life in Arizona, four seventy-something tenants who have a plan of their own for her future, and Luke Marshell, a sleek, polished, uncompromising businessman who, for some reason she can’t fathom, is convinced she’s after his great-uncle’s retirement fund.

Under other circumstances, Luke would be a girl’s dream guy, but not Sage’s. The man is an uncompromising workaholic and definitely not user-friendly. The only thing worse than being pulled under by a sneaker wave is standing by doing nothing while her heart makes another disastrous mistake.

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