October 3, 2024

The Independent

Author: Brad Goodwin
Amazon Rating: 4.9
Genre: Thriller and Suspense
Price: $2.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/3)

Jack Sanborn has been chosen.

In 2044, America is on the brink, its government locked in a merciless, endless shutdown. The nation’s economy is in free fall. With no hope of compromise, the silent majority finally reaches its tipping point.

When Jack Sanborn, a UNC Law professor, utters a dangerous idea in a crowded lecture hall, it sparks what feels like a revolution. Split the two-party monopoly and give democracy back to the people. Soon after a student video of his talk smashes viral records, Sanborn finds himself willed by the people to make an improbable run for president.

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