October 8, 2024


Author: M.J. Oelkers
Amazon Rating: 4.5
Genre: Young Adult
Price:   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/8)

The eldest child of four, Chandra Pattal has no shortage of work on her plate.

Her time under the sun is stretched between working the family orchards, selling produce in the markets of Arnstead, and caring for her siblings in place of her dearly departed mother. Looming over Chandra’s hectic life is her father’s debt to the Orland Bank. The family stands one poor harvest from a life in the streets, and interest rates only ever seem to climb.

To balance her family’s precarious situation, Chandra moonlights as a Shikaree. A treasure hunter who delves into the dark places of the World Below. Ancient bits and baubles call to Chandra with promises of comfort and stability. Small offerings to throw atop the debt that crushes her family.

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