October 3, 2024

Red and Black

Author: Nancy O'Toole
Amazon Rating: 4.2
Genre: Fantasy
Price: $3.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/3)

Dawn Takahashai knows all about superheroes.

She’s been a fan of them for years. So when she’s granted an impressive powerset of her own, she dives right in, eager to prove herself as Bailey City’s first superhero: Miss Red and Black.

Her first challenge is Faultline. He’s powerful, smart and, as a henchman for Bailey City’s first supervillain, standing right in her way. But that’s not the real problem. The real problem is that under the mask, Faultline is Alex Gage, a working-class guy trying to scrounge together enough money to help support his younger sisters. 

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