October 9, 2024

In Search of Justice

Author: Rene Vecka
Amazon Rating: 4.3
Genre: Fantasy
Price:   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/9)

An epic fantasy steeped in a post-Ragnarök world awaits…

Bounty hunter to the Gods, Vidarr Allefar, is an outcast, a misfit exiled from his true home. To rise to the next rank in his Order’s hierarchy, he must hunt down a famed swordsman turned killer, and to do that, he must venture through the perilous wilds and enter the dangerous human city of Hjulstadt.

His life and the lives of his kin are on the line, and Vidarr must navigate the politics and centuries of discrimination against his kind to succeed. Will Vidarr survive his ordeals for a chance to return to his estranged home?

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