October 9, 2024

Collecting Cass

Author: Michael Woodman
Amazon Rating: 4.5
Genre: Thriller and Suspense
Price: $2.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/9)

When a man with problems kidnaps a woman with secrets, anything might happen… except what you think.

Her dark past in the US forgotten, Cass has reinvented herself in England as an artist and wife-to-be of a millionaire. But when she’s snatched from their luxury home and wakes up in the basement of a remote farmhouse, her buried past drags her back into a nightmare with no escape.

Ted, her jailer, is a collector, and now he’s collected her. She’s one of his obsessions along with an old movie about a troubled loner who abducts a girl so they can get to know each other and maybe fall in love. That movie didn’t have a happy ending. But Ted’s convinced life won’t imitate art. He knows everything about Cass, even her best-kept secrets. There’s only one thing he doesn’t know, and when he finds out, it may be too late…

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