October 9, 2024

One Small Secret

Author: Esther Hatch
Amazon Rating: 4.4
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Price: $3.99   $1.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/9)
Multi Award-Winning Author

Ruben Palmer is on every woman’s Christmas wish list. Except mine. 

I grew up with him and bested him in practically everything we did together–debate, grades, mini-golf, you name it. So I’ve built an immunity to his boy-next-door charm. Sure, sometimes I might accidentally type his name into my search engine, but his dimples, hotel empire and thirst-trap photos don’t tempt me. I’ve got my sights set on earning my way to the top of the Palmer Hotel empire, and nothing is going to get in my way.

Until my step-sister leaves her secret toddler with me before skipping town for three months. Now suddenly everyone thinks he’s mine, and instead of powering my way to the top, I’m struggling to not get fired. And instead of Ruben staying on the executive floor where he belongs, he’s invading my apartment, breaking dates with starlets, and looking disappointed that I decided to settle down with anyone except him.

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