October 7, 2024

Political Justice

Author: Dennis Carstens
Amazon Rating: 4.5
Genre: Mystery
Price: $3.99   FREE (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/7)
#1 Amazon Bestseller

It’s four days after the latest presidential election, and Marc Kadella has the post-election blues. Sure, his guy didn’t win, but there’s more to it than that: the defeated incumbent was a decent man. Too bad you can’t say the same for his Machiavellian opponent, or his photogenic partner-in-crime.

Thomas Jefferson Carver is charming and energetic, with a former beauty queen for a wife, and a name for the job to boot. Together they’re the package deal: young, modern, forward-thinking, and successful. That Mr. Carver was often accused of womanizing and that the couple used political clout to line their own pockets didn’t seem to matter to the American electorate.

But Marc Kadella’s got a more specific axe to grind. Back when Carver was governor, a fundraising stop in Minneapolis resulted in the accidental overdose—and death—of a 19-year-old girl. A Carver campaign aide’s in prison on a plea deal for manslaughter—against his lawyer Marc Kadella’s express recommendation. But when the campaign worker turns up hanged in his Colorado cell just days after the election, Kadella senses his mistrust of the Carvers is just the tip of the iceberg.

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