October 6, 2024

Dead End

Author: Leslie J. Hall
Amazon Rating: 4.1
Genre: Mystery
Price:   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/6)

Kaitlyn Willis’s job as a Code Enforcement Officer usually involves writing tickets for untrimmed trees and cars parked on the suburban lawns of Cedar Grove, Washington. But when she finds a dead body in the backyard of a perfect-on-the-outside neighborhood, her safe and stable world is turned upside down.

Everyone, including the sexy, serious homicide detective investigating the case, tells her to stay away from the tragedy and let the police do their jobs. But how can Kaitlyn ignore a murder in her own town, especially when she’s sure she’s on the police’s list of suspects?

Despite the distractions of her best friend’s dramatic love life and the enormous cat who’s determined to become Kaitlyn’s new sidekick, this dedicated public servant can’t seem to steer her city pickup truck away from “Death Street,” where every family seems to hide secrets behind their neatly trimmed hedges.

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