October 3, 2024

Good Spell

Author: John Sutter Wood
Amazon Rating: 4.0
Genre: Mystery
Price: $4.99   FREE (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/3)

The strange goings-on “up the hill” has the Wood family scratching their collective heads, and looking over their shoulder. This may be the best vacation they ever had… or the worst.

Bridie turned fourteen last month. “Going on thirty,” as Mom says. Tall, rangy, still a little coltish. She has a zest for life, is athletically gifted and is blessed with a formidable intellect, backed by a delicious and devilish sense of humor. She is a force. She takes to the hills like a rock band on a world tour. A controlling parent’s worst nightmare… everyone else’s breath of fresh air.

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