October 2, 2024

Imperfections Seduced

Author: Shaniel Watson
Amazon Rating: 4.1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Price: $0.99   FREE (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/2)

What if falling in love with your best friend destroys your entire family?

Catherine Reed has been in love with Nicholas Alexander for as long as she can remember. They’d always had a certain chemistry and had even shared one passionate, forbidden, perfect kiss as teenagers. For years, she’d hoped he could look past her overprotective brothers and their age difference so they could be more than friends. Tired of waiting she left New York and her heart behind.

Nicholas has always been secretly in love with Catherine. She’s the only woman he’s ever truly wanted. But as his best friend’s baby sister, she’s definitely off-limits. Not even having a merry-go-round of beautiful girls has stopped him from wanting her. Watching her leave town nearly killed him, but all he wanted was for her to be happy and he knew giving in to what he wanted would ruin her… them.

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