October 1, 2024

Grover Wilcox Goes to the Circus

Author: Martin Lastrapes
Amazon Rating: 4.5
Genre: Fantasy
Price:   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/1)
Award-Winning Author

Grover Wilcox, a down-on-his-luck English professor, experiences a catastrophic kitchen mishap that leaves him engulfed in flames, only to discover he’s fireproof. As he’s still reeling from this inexplicable revelation, Grover learns his father has fallen into a mysterious coma. Amidst this chaos, the charming and enigmatic Grambling Brothers Traveling Circus Show rolls into town, and with it, Grover’s destiny.

The Ringmaster, Grambling Brothers’ charismatic leader, is intrigued by Grover’s newfound fireproof ability and makes him an enticing offer to join his circus. Upon accepting the offer, Grover is plunged into a world brimming with other fantastical performers, including a paranormal fortuneteller and a supernatural firebreather, each with their own quirks and peculiarities.

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