February 28, 2025

Zombie Fungus

Author: Bryan Dean
Amazon Rating: 4.1
Genre: Horror
Price:   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 2/28)

Looking for a ‘different’ zombie read? You just found it!

When the apocalypse arrives, would you trust a guy whose entire survival strategy is based on movies and books, you know, pop culture? Well, it’s working, and that’s a question you should have asked before he built the fence!

Now, stop worrying your pearls because humanity is on the brink and Abel Andrew Willings is the guy you want on your zombie apocalypse team. Go ahead, ask him. He’ll be happy to explain why. But are these things even zombies? Because he was preparing for zombies! Coming at him with anything other than zombies might prove problematic.

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