February 4, 2025

Worlds of Thoughts

Author: Reese Halden
Amazon Rating: 4.5
Genre: Fantasy
Price:   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 2/4)

Earth’s expanding population brings all sorts of problems to our planet: Climate change… Increasing pollution… Struggles to feed the impoverished…

Whereas these problems were ones that could be solved in the long term, there was something unforeseen that would threaten the immediate survival of humanity, something that would remain hidden until Earth’s population surpassed a critical point…

On a mission to investigate the annihilation of every soldier at a base camp in Afghanistan, US Marine 1st Lt. Ashton Romano and his platoon are shocked at what they find, not only were the marines at the camp killed by archaic weapons, but the enemy dragged some away and used them as food.

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