March 13, 2025

Within and Without Time

Author: D. I. Hennessey
Amazon Rating: 4.8
Genre: Christian Fiction
Price:   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 3/13)
#1 Amazon Bestseller

Be prepared to laugh and cry, to be inspired, and find your heart rejoicing!

When a sixteen-year-old boy is suddenly caught up in a series of miraculous encounters, it heralds an adventure that will transform his life, rock his town, and trigger events that will ultimately change the world!

Befriended by a powerful angelic warrior, Jimmy finds himself in the center of God’s plan for Earth’s final Great Revival. The beginning of God’s amazing harvest at the End of the Age. Like an intense roller coaster, the journey he experiences is exciting and unpredictable. Heartwarming, as well as heart-rending. God prepares him for a mission more extraordinary than anything he could have imagined, placing him in the rare company of ancient prophets and apostles alike.

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