March 5, 2025

Trinity: Puglia’s Son

Author: Steven Zizza
Amazon Rating: 4.5
Genre: Historical Fiction
Price: $4.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 3/5)

A journey through the horror and chaos of warfare. It explores the destructive power of guilt on the soul of a naive and innocent individual who has never known war.

Rocco Farfalla, an Italian American immigrant during World War II, is pushed to his physical and spiritual limits battling both the human and supernatural demons that inhabit our world. A dutiful son, his entrance into the war was to achieve two objectives that were not mutually exclusive in his eyes. First, he had to protect his new home from invaders. Secondly, he had to save his family stranded in Italy during one of the most horrific events in that nation’s history. Throughout his journey, Rocco deals with bigotry, friendship, love, death and triumph. It is through the aid of a young nurse and his Ranger buddies that Rocco comes to see that darkness and light exist in tandem.

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