October 20, 2024

The Bone Trap

Author: Tormod Cockburn
Amazon Rating: 4.6
Genre: Mystery
Price: $2.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/20)

Ailsa is an island girl carrying an ancient gift and she has seen his future. A few weeks from now, a struggling Scottish scientist will hold a potential unicorn skull in his hands. If he proves it’s authentic, his career will be made. If he dies trying, he won’t be the first.

Gillan McArdle’s academic career is ending because of one stupid lapse of judgement. But he’s the most talented young archaeologist in Scotland, and a Dundee-based media outfit can use his skills. Offered a short-term contract, he lands on the Hebridean island of Harris to investigate obscure animal bones. Quickly dismissing the unicorn skull as a thinly disguised fake, he can’t deny there’s something unusual about these bones. Baited by rumours of a majestic tusked horse roaming the uplands, Gill begins to suspect someone is manipulating him. As he gradually unravels the mystery of the skull, he grasps one disturbing conclusion. If this creature does exist, the evidence suggests it’s a killer.

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