October 25, 2024

Swear on My Life

Author: S.L. Scott
Amazon Rating: 4.3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Price: $4.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/25)
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author

We aren’t temporary, baby.

Warm brown eyes that melted my unsuspecting heart. A smile that knocked me off my feet. His touch, raw electricity.

I never saw Harbor Westcott coming.

I was a small-town girl with big city dreams and more ambition than money to my name. He had everything, money, privilege, and the world at his feet.

Opposites in every way, but that didn’t matter. We were lightning in a bottle, and everything felt possible when we were together.

Life was perfect.

Or so I thought…

Years later, I’m no more prepared for him than I was the first time. He swears on his life that we are meant to be forever, but I know I can’t survive this man twice.

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