March 16, 2025

Rise: Birth of a Revolution

Author: Mark S. Moore
Amazon Rating: 4.5
Genre: Fantasy
Price: $4.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 3/16)

A fragile peace teeters on the brink of collapse; new players threaten the colonial world order…

Damien Flynn is going to die. And it’s going to happen because he finally stood up for what’s right.

After years of observing and taking part in the enduring corruption and oppression of the Ricchan people, Damien Flynn’s conscience wakes. He pushes for the Ricchan right to a vote, for control of their own destiny.

He soon learns that bleeding hearts don’t make for good politics, exchanging quills for shackles. Former friends and colleagues sentence Damien Flynn to death for treason.

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