October 17, 2024

Reptiles of the Mind

Author: Jerry Jamison
Amazon Rating: 4.8
Genre: Mystery
Price: $3.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/17)

When sweet and innocent Evie found herself mired in a wicked storm on a muddy road in the dead of night, her heart was in her throat with every turn. Perhaps that was why she didn’t notice the man walking in the rain along the road, and nearly hit him. Afraid to stop, he later confronts her at a roadside diner. Apologetic, she offers him a ride.

It might have been the mistake of her life for Vince was a penitentiary escapee on the run. The next several hours together are ones of terror until they discover they have something in common and begin to plot a solution to both of their problems.

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