October 18, 2024

Petulant Shadows

Author: Martha Sweeney
Amazon Rating: 4.6
Genre: Thriller and Suspense
Price: $4.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/18)

There is a sinister evil hidden in the shadows. Some do not know of its existence yet others are haunted by it every waking moment and every sleepless night.

The legends say that it arrives quiet like the wind, lurking in the shadows as the darkness sets upon the earth each night. It leaches into towns through the smallest of cracks and festers, growing like a fungus that makes everything rot in its path.

A sudden opportunity to flee presents itself to Paisley. Something within her commands her to run. As if guided by the hand of God, she finds shelter in the town of Biernhard and through a man named Grayson.

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