October 24, 2024

In the Silence of Decay

Author: Lisa Boyle
Amazon Rating: 4.7
Genre: Mystery
Price: $4.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/24)
Award-Winning Author

New Mexico, 1979: After a career in the military as a CID detective, all James Pinter wants to do is drive his rig and mind his own damn business. But when his daughter, Molly, finds a dead woman behind a gas station and a disabled boy at her side, he’s forced to reckon with his former life. The State Police record the death as an overdose, just another drug addict from the reservation, but James can’t ignore the clues they’re conveniently overlooking.

Reluctant to get involved but fearing for the boy’s life, James shares his suspicions with the Navajo Nation. The victim’s sister, desperate for answers, insists on James’s help. But the more James investigates, the further he and Molly are dragged into a world of drugs and corruption, big money and explosive secrets.

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