March 9, 2025

Down Stepney Way

Author: Sally Worboyes
Amazon Rating: 4.4
Genre: Historical Fiction
Price: $3.99   FREE (Price may have changed. Last verified on 3/9)

Blackshirts march through the East End in 1930s London and the Jewish community is under threat of violence. In the midst of this, Jessie Warner discovers a family secret and turns to her mother for answers, but she is met with silence.

Over in Bethnal Green, Hannah Blake reluctantly joins the Blackshirts, forced by her cold-hearted mother to do so. Next-door neighbour Emmie Smith looks on, wishing she could tell Hannah the truth about her family and provide her with hope for a brighter future.

Meanwhile, Emmie’s son Tom, chipper and handsome, has fallen for Jessie Warner who he is desperate to bring home. Their lives intertwine and soon, so do their secrets…

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