December 23, 2024

Don’t Feed the Beast: But Do Punish the Free-Riders

Author: Solveig Larssen
Amazon Rating: 4.2
Genre: Science Fiction
Price: $2.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 12/23)

Mountainland, the richest, proudest, and freest nation in the world, has resorted to forming a militia and creating incarceration camps to stem the influx of migrants… Fjordland, the most civilised, equal, and just nation in the world, is falling apart, unable to accommodate its newfound diversity…

Meanwhile, life is getting worse on the Savannah and in the Jungle, with autocratic high-tech city-states and abundant cheap labour to exploit. Somewhere, amidst it all, only the rootless global technology organisations seem to prosper.
Eskild, the sympathetic Brotherhood bear, expelled and humiliated—is on his journey to visit his younger, liberal siblings, Dag and Selma. Justice has deteriorated in the world because Selma, to navigate the changes of globalisation, has abandoned her old ways.

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