January 25, 2025

Ancient Souls: Karma’s Return

Author: Elin Peer and Pearl Beacon
Amazon Rating: 4.4
Genre: Young Adult
Price: $5.99   FREE (Price may have changed. Last verified on 1/25)

People call Karma a b..ch, but they couldn’t be more wrong!

As an ancient soul working to enhance human empathy Karma has served for millennia. When her rash decisions leave her with a bad reputation, the community of ancient souls makes a demand of her. She must return to earth and clean up the mess she made for seventeen-year-old Emma White.

For Karma it’s a rush to be back in a physical body, and life as a junior in high school shouldn’t be a problem for someone who has guided humans for thousands of years. But much has happened since Karma last walked the earth in Ancient Greece. Facing teachers, bullies, parents, and Emma’s crush, Ty, gets complicated when Karma doesn’t have her usual powers and can’t reveal that she’s a soul of infinite wisdom. And by the way, how does one answer a text message?

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