October 24, 2024

A Match Made in Hell

Author: Traci Lovelot
Amazon Rating: 4.3
Genre: Paranormal/Romance
Price: $3.99   FREE (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/24)
Amazon Bestseller

A dangerous mission forces me to team up with my worst enemies… Three seductive vampires.

Worse, it’s a mission I can’t refuse, and I loathe the team leader, Hudson. He broke my heart a decade ago, even before he got turned.

Hudson and his equally tempting twin Jackson can go bite each other for all I care.

Even more infuriating is the buff former bodyguard Nico, who can’t keep his hungry eyes off me.

I’ve spent years hunting their kind, dedicated to their extinction. Yet here I am, suddenly using my magic alongside theirs. It makes my blood quicken… just maybe not for the reasons I expected.

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