March 11, 2025

Songs of Vengeance and Desire

Author: Sean Develin
Amazon Rating: 4.6
Genre: Paranormal/Romance
Price: $0.99   FREE (Price may have changed. Last verified on 3/11)

ONCE UPON A TIME, the Goddess hid her three daughters away in different worlds. Then she abandoned them.

At eighteen years of age, diminutive, flame-haired Ultana Siobhan MacGregor – “Tana” – is a force of nature. She has taken control of the armies of the Western Aisles and driven the legions of the Sardinian Empire from all her lands except for the great fortress city of Londinium. As she prepares for her final battle, her lover, counsel, and future king is ready to propose and give her the happy ever after she desires.

But the Emperor of Sardinia is desperate and makes an unholy pact in exchange for victory. When he opens the Mouth of Hell, he frees a dark-winged angel of terrible power and beauty known to the Faerie as Shyyra Na’amah, the Dark Sister.

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