March 4, 2025

Love in a Little Free Library

Author: Lucy Flowers
Amazon Rating: 5.0
Genre: Young Adult
Price: $2.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 3/4)

What would you do if you were on house arrest for a crime you didn’t commit? You couldn’t drive to get a mocha latte, or feel the sun on your face, or go on a date with the cute new neighbor who has been slipping notes in your little free

Honor Society VP, Elle Bloome, is trapped in a beautiful three-story Victorian home that her mother has turned into a sanctuary. She’s got an indoor pool, a library that rivals Belle’s in Beauty and the Beast, and the coolest homeschool tutors a girl could ever ask for. But none of it matters, because Elle wants what we all want: Freedom, the opportunity to fall on her face and learn from her mistakes, and love. Above all else, love.

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