January 26, 2025

Trencher’s Bunker

Author: Shane Noble
Amazon Rating: 4.5
Genre: Thriller and Suspense
Price: $4.99   FREE (Price may have changed. Last verified on 1/26)

Our global elite secure their survival well before the common people know a thing.

Marcus Trencher, a brilliant but reclusive tech industrialist, is brought in to design massive superbunkers for this privileged class. In exchange for his talents, he only asks to oversee construction of one his own. It becomes nothing short of a subterranean palace. His life underground was to be comfortable above all else.

Near the doomsday deadline, he sends his closest friend Henry Plyman to recruit desirables to join them. Plyman believes he is filling vital roles to service a population of hundreds, if not thousands. That isn’t exactly the case.

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