October 23, 2024

Cole Springer Trilogy

Author: W. L. Ripley
Amazon Rating: 4.3
Genre: Mystery
Price: $3.99   $0.99 (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/23)

Cole Springer has a musical soul, a quick wit, and a con-man’s mind.

Ex-Secret Service Agent Cole Springer has exchanged his badge for a piano and the high-altitude life of Aspen, Colorado. But he hasn’t lost his appetite for danger. Springer delights in playing button men and gangsters for personal gain and amusement. While an affable man, he’s tough, hard to kill, and has an ironic sense of humor. Meanwhile, his girlfriend, determined CBI Agent, Tobi Ryder, doesn’t know whether to love him, forget him, or arrest him for his escapades that skirt the edges of the law…

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