October 18, 2024

Amulet’s Rapture

Author: Linnea Tanner
Amazon Rating: 4.6
Genre: Fantasy
Price: $4.99   FREE (Price may have changed. Last verified on 10/18)
Award-Winning Author

Blood stains her Celtic home and kingdom.

The warrior Druid princess will do anything to retake her kingdom.

Although Catrin is the rightful heir to the Celtic throne in Britannia, she is lucky to be alive. After witnessing the slaughter of her family at the hands of her half-brother, who was aided by the Romans, she is enslaved by a Roman commander. He disguises her as a boy in the Roman Legion with the belief that she is an oracle of Apollo and can foretell his future. The sole bright spot in her miserable new life is her forbidden lover Marcellus, the great-grandson of the famed Roman General Mark Antony.

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